Lintrule Documentation



    A ruleset is a file in your .rules folder. You can have lots of checks in a ruleset. For example:

    Make sure our migrations follow these rules:
    1. make sure that all tables have a created_at
    2. make sure migrations don't have breaking changes. For example, removing a table, removing column, and so on. It's okay to have a breaking change if there's a comment on the migration that explains why it's safe to have that change.
    3. prefer 'uuid' primary keys over 'id' primary keys

    Filtering files

    You can make a Ruleset apply only to particular files with frontmatter, like the following:

    include: ["**/migrations/**"]
    Make sure our migrations follow these rules:
    1. ...

    Example: Just Typescript files

    include: ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"]
    I only apply to your TypeScript files!

    Example: A specific file

    include: ["**/migrations/2020-01-01-create-users-table.sql"]
    I only apply to your 2020-01-01-create-users-table.sql file!